Mission Planner

For Window's peeps

The following instructions show how to install Mission Planner on Windows. These instructions will be suitable for most users

  1. Double click on the downloaded .msi file to run the installer

  2. Follow the instructions to complete the setup process. The installation utility will automatically install any necessary software drivers. If you receive a DirectX installation error, please update your DirectX plug-in from the Windows Download Center.

  3. If you receive a warning stating Window's cant verify the publisher of the driver, select Install this driver software anyway to continue.

Mission Planner is normally installed in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Mission Planner folder.

An icon to open the Mission Planner is created according to your instructions during the installation.

For Linux's peeps

It is possible to run most Windows based programs on many Linux Distributions using MONO. Mission Planner does run under MONO but will have occasional issues and/or crashes.

  1. Download and install the latest version of MONO from here.

  2. Download Mission Planner as a zip file from here and unzip to a directory.

  3. Change to that directory and execute:

    mono MissionPlanner.exe

Boom! You're all ready to roll with MissionPlanner!

Last updated